Board 'pussy footed' on issue

THE CHAIRMAN of the board of governors at Bleary primary blamed the school's long running staffing issues on the SELB.

James McCammick said the Southern Education Library Board 'pussy-footed' around with the staffing problems at the school. Mr McCammick, chairman of the board of governors said they had been working to resolve the problems but had to fight the SELB.

He claimed the governors threatened to walk out of a meeting with the SELB because of growing frustrations with its handling of the situation.

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He said: "Thankfully we have a new principal starting in September, staffing issues have been resolved and the school is on the up.

"The staff that have been in place have achieved excellent results and carried out a commendable job.

"We have a beautiful school and can cater for all the needs of Lurgan and Waringstown.

"It was sad and frustrating the SELB decided not to allow us to form a new pre-school group which, as the Lurgan Mail has reported, are over subscribed in the Lurgan and Waringstown area.

"But there is a lot to be proud of and we are moving on."

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James a governor at the school, he said, for some 20 years was critical of the SELB's handling of the staffing problems at the school.

"The principal has gone," he continued, "there are legal proceeding underway with the vice-principal and we can't rush the courts and the staff member that was acting as principal has been off for the past year after the very tragic and sad death of her husband, but she will return in September.

"Because of the declining numbers at the school we no longer require a vice principal.

"The SELB was reluctant to move forward and deal with the matters to the point where the governors threatened to walk out of a meeting with SELB staff because they failed to act.

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"I told certain staff that they would not have time to lift their coat if this was the private sector and I was told by one member of staff at the SELB he was glad he didn't work in the private sector.

"The board pussy-footed around while the review of public administration went on, that process badly affected morale, not just in the SELB but across all boards."

Mr McCammick concluded: "I was working in the school in the last days in the run up to the end of term to deal with issues arising in the school.

"As the board we are legally responsible for the running of the school, but the SELB is the employer.