Call for crackdown on anti-social behaviour

Gilford - areas of the village are being plagued by anti-social behaviour says MLA. (Archive pic)Gilford - areas of the village are being plagued by anti-social behaviour says MLA. (Archive pic)
Gilford - areas of the village are being plagued by anti-social behaviour says MLA. (Archive pic)
Upper Bann MLA Sydney Anderson has called for more to be done to tackle the scourge of anti-social behaviour in Gilford.

Following a further spate of anti-social behaviour in the area in recent days, the DUP man has claimed that the problem “continues to escalate” in the village.

“I am aware that arrests were carried out last week after police received reports of anti-social driving and fighting within the Castle Hill area of Gilford. This is the latest incident in a prolonged wave of anti-social behaviour incidents which have occurred in the village over recent weeks,” Mr Anderson said.

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“I have been contacted by a number of local residents who are extremely angered and concerned with the prolonged occurrence of anti-social behaviour which has been inflicted upon the people of Gilford.

Residents, many who have lived in the village for years, just want to get on with their lives and live peacefully, but this has not been the case in recent times where major disruption has been caused by individuals who have no respect or consideration for others.” Insisting that more must be done to deal with the problem, Mr Anderson continued: “We must do all we can to tackle the scourge of anti-social behaviour head on and I am currently endeavouring to set up a meeting between the PSNI and local community representatives in an effort to see what more can be done to deal with this problem.

“It is also important that those responsible for such activity are rightly punished. Where evidence exists of criminal wrongdoing such individuals should receive a punishment that is in line with what they have done.

“Action needs to be taken by the relevant authorities because Gilford simply cannot go on continuing to be blighted by such behaviour.”

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A PSNI spokesman confirmed that police are aware of anti-social behaviour problems in the Gilford area and are “committed to working with community representatives and partner agencies in order to resolve the issues.”