Three nights of violence in city ‘orchestrated’, PSNI arrest two teens

A burning van in Galliagh in the early hours of this morning.A burning van in Galliagh in the early hours of this morning.
A burning van in Galliagh in the early hours of this morning.
A truck driver has been doused in fuel before his vehicle was set alight during a third night of ‘orchestrated’ violence across Londonderry.

 DUP Deputy Mayor Graham Warke said the most obvious sign that the trouble was orchestrated was the fact that the hijackings began right across the city on Tuesday within the space of an hour.  

Mr Warke said: “I don’t think it is just young people who are bored. Obviously there are elements behind it.”

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He said it was likely that those behind the violence were trying to have images flashed across the world of violence on the streets of Northern Ireland, implying that the peace process has failed.

Derry & Strabane District Commander, Chief Superintendent Emma Bond.Derry & Strabane District Commander, Chief Superintendent Emma Bond.
Derry & Strabane District Commander, Chief Superintendent Emma Bond.

“But it won’t work because it is wrong - Londonderry is moving in the right direction,” he added. “This violence is coming from a tiny minority of people.”

Foyle MP Colum Eastwood has said those responsible were deliberately courting the international media, in town to cover the funeral of John Hume.

Police said a recovery truck was hijacked near the Galliagh Roundabout at about 10:30pm on Wednesday. Two or three men stopped the truck and poured fuel inside the vehicle - covering the driver.

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However both the driver and his passenger managed to escape before it was set alight, in what police described as “a terrifying ordeal”.

A crowd of around 150 people then gathered at the scene, some of whom threw stones and bottles at police. A petrol bomb was also thrown but failed to ignite.

As this was taking place, a young masked man tried to steal a car from a woman in Galliagh Park with a wheel brace. She managed to flee to safety but her car was damaged and she was left shaken.

 Then at around 12:40am yesterday a van was hijacked in the Fergleen Park area and set on fire.

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Another attempted hijacking was reported just after 2am yesterday morning, in the Fairview Road area. Twenty masked individuals, some with metal bars, tried to take a man’s car, but without success.

District Commander, Chief Supt Emma Bond said: “This has been the third night of disorder in our city at the hands of cowards determined to cause disruption in our communities. It is unacceptable and I am very disappointed people made a deliberate decision to go out onto the streets and cause trouble.”

Mayor Brian Tierney was on the ground during Wednesday night’s trouble and called for calm. “What happened in the Galliagh area is not what residents want or need,” he said. “It was totally unacceptable and only hurts the people of Galliagh.”

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Sinn Féin Councillor Aileen Mellon added: “It’s an absolute disgrace - people are being terrorised and don’t feel safe in their own community.”

Foyle MP Colum Eastwood said: “It’s clear that those behind these attacks have done so for attention because the world’s media is in our city to mark the passing of our greatest peacemaker,” he said. “They won’t succeed.”

Police investigating incidents in the Galliagh area of the city earlier this week said today that they have made two arrests.

Two teenage boys, aged 14 and 15 years old, were arrested in the city this afternoon on suspicion of riotous behaviour and attempted criminal damage. The 14-year-old boy was also arrested on suspicion of possessing petrol bomb in suspicion circumstances, and throwing a petrol bomb. Both males remain in custody this afternoon.

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Chief Supt Bond said: “I want to take this opportunity to appeal to anyone who is tempted to become involved in anti-social or criminal behaviour to stop and consider the consequences of their actions, and desist immediately.

“I would also appeal to those in the community to use their influence to help us ensure we don’t have another night of disorder and our communities don’t come under attack again.”