Cushendall Sailing and Boating club '˜go with the Flow'

Fancy sailing with Cushendall Sailing and Boating Club?Fancy sailing with Cushendall Sailing and Boating Club?
Fancy sailing with Cushendall Sailing and Boating Club?
Experience the thrill of sailing with Cushendall Sailing & Boating Club by taking part in their '˜Push the Boat Out' on the Saturday the 14th May.

This fun introductory session is a fantastic opportunity to try sailing for the first time and learn the basics. Taking place on Saturday the 14th May at The Coast Rd, Cushendall this ‘have a go’ event is being offered for free and with no prior experience or specialist equipment required there really is no excuse not to give it a try!

Cushendall Sailing & Boating Club is offering this taster event as part of a national campaign called ‘Flow – Get into Watersports’ which is co-funded by The Erasmus Plus programme of the European Union and is a partnership between SportNI and a range of water based National Governing Bodies with the aim of encouraging more people to participate in watersports. The campaign kicks off with a weekend of water based outdoor activity taster events all over Northern Ireland during the weekend of 14th and 15th May. These events will be closely followed by a series of follow up training programmes to encourage people to continue in their chosen activity. So even if you can’t attend the taster events you can still get involved by taking part in one of the follow up training programmes that are taking place.

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