Police step up action on burglars in hardest hit areas

Homes across South Area hardest hit say policeHomes across South Area hardest hit say police
Homes across South Area hardest hit say police
Following concerns about the numbers of burglaries occurring across districts in Tyrone, Armagh and Down, police said they are working to focus resources on potential suspects.

"We will also be working hard to raise awareness in communities about how people can prevent themselves or their neighbours from becoming victims of crime and keep their property safe," they said.

Supt. Sean Wright said: "One burglary is one burglary too many. We constantly review and monitor occurrences and where hotspots or spikes in criminal activity such as burglary are identified we react immediately.

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"We continue to use a variety of overt and covert methods to disrupt and detect criminals, and we are working closely with colleagues in An Garda Siochana to disrupt and detect travelling criminals so as to bring them before the courts.

"The public can help police by reporting any suspicious people or vehicles immediately and by looking out for one another. If an alarm sounds, report it. If you see a suspicious person or vehicle in your area, report it. If you experience a cold caller, report it.

"We want to make it as difficult as possible for criminals to target your property. With this in mind we have launched our Top Ten Tips to beat the burglar.

"We will continue with our regular anti-burglary patrols and are encouraging everyone to report suspicious activity to us – no matter how insignificant it may seem, the report of a suspicious vehicle or people acting strangely in your neighbourhood can help us to prevent and detect crime.

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"We would like all of you to help us spread the message. Talk to your family and neighbours about the top ten tips and the simple measures you can take to make your home more secure. Domestic burglary has been and will remain a priority for us.

"We are pleased to be able to promote the Top Ten Tips and help remind local people that they can take steps to reduce the likelihood of becoming a victim of crime."

If you would like further advice on home security you can contact your local Crime Prevention Officer on 101.

Here's the PSNI's Top ten tips to beat the burglar!