Residents want planners to prevent drilling

RESIDENTS in the Ballinlea area have written to planners in a bid to stop a second oil/gas test well being given the go-ahead in the area.

The submission claims Rathlin Energy have not clearly set out the detail of what they are proposing to do operationally on the site.

The residents’ letter adds “some of the information which is provided is confusing and contradictory - particularly when set in the context of information provided at information sessions held for local residents on the 27th and 28th June.”

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The correspondence to planners continues: “Rathlin Energy admitted when questioned at their information session in the Ballinlea Orange Hall that they did not (at that time) know which chemicals would be used in their drilling process”.

The letter added: “Information provided to residents (upon request) after the information sessions revealed that some of the chemicals that would be used are toxic - eg the safety sheet for ‘Safe-cide’ states that it is acutely toxic to humans (fatal if inhaled) and that the material and its containers are to be disposed off as a hazardous waste.”

The submission also talks about the impact on wildlife in the area and there is also mention of what could happen if a well “fails”.

The residents letter said: “If just one well fails within the Licence Area either one of the major rivers - Bush of Bann are ultimately at risk of a serious pollution incident. At least one stream runs along the boundary of the proposed Ballinlea 2 site directly past a number of homes within 250 metres and ultimately joins with the River Bush.

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