Ulster Unionist Councillor snubs Paisley debate

Ronnie Harkness.Ronnie Harkness.
Ronnie Harkness.
A Craigavon Ulster Unionist councillor “absented” himself from a debate on Monday night on the life and death of Dr Ian Paisley, the former NI First Minister who passed away on Friday.

Councillor Ronnie Harkness felt he had “nothing positive to say” about the late firebrand politician and preacher, and spent the 30-minute debate outside the council chamber.

“I felt it would be hypocritical to speak at the debate and didn’t want to say anything against the man and hurt his DUP colleagues and family,” said Councillor Harkness. “So, as a matter of courtesy, I absented myself and let those who wished to speak get on with it.”

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The debate mainly eulogised Dr Paisley, with Mayor Colin McCusker paying the first tribute by recalling that Dr Paisley visited his father, Harold McCusker, in hospital and that the DUP leader was “a very kind and friendly man”.

The main glowing tributes were from DUP councillors, of whom seven eulogised their former leader, with UUP and Sinn Fein also contributing positively. However, Councillor Joe Nelson (SDL) tempered the non-stop praise by saying that Dr Paisley had often denigrated his (Roman Catholic) religion, and “especially as a young man I found that extremely hurtful”.

Councillor Carla Lockhart led the DUP tributes by saying it was fitting that the council had flown the Union Flag at half-mast and provided books of condolence for people to sign at three venues – the Civic Centre and Town Halls.

She added that she recalled Lord Bannside, “The Doc, the First Minister and Moderator of the Free Presbyterian Church, with great pride”.

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