Cookstown based manufacturer Keystone Group inducted to the Manufacturing Hall of Fame

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Three well-renowned and respected manufacturing leaders from Northern Ireland have been announced as the latest inductees to the Northern Ireland Manufacturing Hall of Fame.

First launched in 2022, this is the third intake to the Hall of Fame which recognises stalwarts of the local manufacturing sector in Northern Ireland.

This year’s inductees are Sean Coyle, Founder of Keystone Group, Dr John Rainey MBE, Chairman of Denroy Group and Grainne McVeigh, Director of Advanced Manufacturing, Engineering and Life Sciences at Invest NI.

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The Northern Ireland Manufacturing Hall of Fame recognises leaders from across Northern Ireland who have made an exceptional contribution to manufacturing and engineering. This year’s winners were announced at the Manufacturing NI annual leadership summit, Anchor High, at the Slieve Donard Hotel in Newcastle Co Down, for dedicating their entire professional lives to their communities, staff, and companies as well as significantly boosting the Northern Irish economy.

NI Manufacturing Hall of Fame inductees Sean Coyle, Keystone Group Dr John Rainey MBE, Denroy, Grainne McVeigh, Invest NI and host Wendy Austin. Credit: SubmittedNI Manufacturing Hall of Fame inductees Sean Coyle, Keystone Group Dr John Rainey MBE, Denroy, Grainne McVeigh, Invest NI and host Wendy Austin. Credit: Submitted
NI Manufacturing Hall of Fame inductees Sean Coyle, Keystone Group Dr John Rainey MBE, Denroy, Grainne McVeigh, Invest NI and host Wendy Austin. Credit: Submitted
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As part of the selection criteria, inductees had to have started or grown a Northern Irish business significantly and sustainably over the last two decades at least; enhanced Northern Ireland’s manufacturing reputation through sectoral or product development; are highly respected by peers, employees and communities in which their businesses operate; or contributed to community initiatives or charitable or sporting causes.

peaking at the Anchor High Conference Dinner, Manufacturing NI Chief Executive Stephen Kelly said: “Announcing our latest entries to the Northern Ireland Manufacturing Hall of Fame is a fitting way to close out Manufacturing Month, an initiative which, first and foremost, aims to recognise those people and leaders in our industry who go above and beyond to make it the global success that it is.

“Sean, John and Grainne are talented and compassionate leaders from across Northern Ireland. They have worked tirelessly to create and sustain jobs, ensure that their products and services remain innovative and at the cutting edge, and have helped put Northern Ireland’s manufacturing sector on the global map.

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Manufacturing NI Chair Richard Hogg with Hall of Fame inductee Sean Coyle, Founder of Keystone Group, Cookstown, and host Wendy Austin. Credit: SubmittedManufacturing NI Chair Richard Hogg with Hall of Fame inductee Sean Coyle, Founder of Keystone Group, Cookstown, and host Wendy Austin. Credit: Submitted
Manufacturing NI Chair Richard Hogg with Hall of Fame inductee Sean Coyle, Founder of Keystone Group, Cookstown, and host Wendy Austin. Credit: Submitted

“The hard work of these three leaders and their peers over decades, through good times and bad for Northern Ireland, means that this small part of the world has a thriving international reputation for manufacturing and engineering excellence. On behalf of the membership of Manufacturing NI, I would like to congratulate and thank them for their efforts throughout their careers.”