IN PICTURES: Coleraine 'Chatty Carriage' puts older people on the right track to friendship and new connections

A group of older people has proved it’s never too late to forge new friendships as they embarked on a very special train journey in Coleraine.

The ‘Chat Tea Train/Chatty Carriage’ exchange was organised by the multi-disciplinary team (MDT) social workers in the Northern Trust in collaboration with their colleagues in the Western Trust and Translink to coincide with Age NI’s Loneliness Awareness Week.

The annual campaign aims to raise awareness about loneliness and empower people to make connections.

Approximately 90 SmartPass holders boarded in Coleraine, enjoying the scenic train journey before disembarking and meeting with a group of older people who were preparing to make the opposite journey. Along the way passengers were accompanied by the U3A ukulele band and Lilliput Theatre Company.

After enjoying their day out, both groups met up again in Coleraine Train Station where they were treated to a performance by the Irish Society Primary School choir ahead of the Derry group’s return journey.

Northern Trust’s Primary Care MDT Area Manager Elizabeth Craig said: “We have organised Chatty Carriages before but this one was a little bit different because of the added reciprocal element which has proven to be a resounding success.

“As it was Loneliness Awareness Week we thought it was the perfect opportunity to work with our colleagues in the Western Trust to go beyond local connections and it has been a fantastic day for everyone involved.

“Our older people are such an important part of our local communities, but unfortunately it is all too easy for them to feel socially isolated or alone.

“We all need interactions and friendship, but as we get older sometimes these opportunities just aren’t there. We are delighted to facilitate this and help our older people to develop the relationships and networks which are hugely important for both their physical and emotional wellbeing.”