NICHS health checks held at coffee morning

LOCAL residents and politicians were able to check the state of their health at the recent cofee morning for the Northern Ireland Chest, Heart and Stroke group.

Many stroke sufferers were among those who got their blood pressure checked, received advice on healthy eating and even had a skincare check at the information day in Laurencetown Community Centre.

Home energy and safety advice was also offered to those who attended, including Deputy First Minister John O’Dowd, MP David Simpson, and Upper Bann MLAs Dolores Kelly and Jo-Anne Dobson.

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Andrew Dougal, NICHS Chief Executive, said, “Many people who have a stroke are often housebound and as a result have higher heating costs. NICHS wishes to provide as much help and support for people who have had a stroke.

“This event is a great way to bring many organisations together who can help and advise stroke survivors on energy efficiency and other areas to ensure they have the best possible support and care to help rebuild their lives.”

Meanwhile Banbridge residents were able to find out if they were wasting energy as NICHS hosted a Home Energy and Advice Day for 70 members of their Stroke Scheme.

The group is one of the six finalists in Power NI’s ‘BIG Energy Saving Challenge’.

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