Asbestos among items dumped by fly-tippers

CALLOUS fly-tippers engaged in the illegal dumping of waste material including asbestos at the Conagher Road will face the full rigors of the law.

That was the warning from Ballymoney Borough Council’s Environmental Warden Karen Mitchell following four such incidents in the area in recent weeks.

Among the items thoughtlessly thrown at the roadside were sheets of potentially deadly asbestos which can cause cancer.

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“Over the past week we have had four complaints regarding fly tipping on Conagher Road,” said Mrs Mitchell.

“Approximately 12 sheets of asbestos of varying sizes were deposited at one of the entrances to the Benvardin estate.

“This is deemed to be a special waste which requires specialist removal.

“There are a number of companies which perform this removal service details of which are contained in the Yellow Pages.”