Two Co Tyrone men dealt with for drug offences after car stopped by police

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A Tyrone man has been placed on Probation for 18 months at Dungannon Magistrates Court, sitting in Omagh, for possessing cannabis.

Gavin Graham, aged 25, from Gortgonis Terrace in Coalisland, had previously admitted the charge and the case adjourned for a pre-sentence report.

The court heard that the offence came to light after police stopped a car on November 16 last year and detected a smell of alcohol and cannabis coming from inside.

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Prosecuting counsel said Graham admitted to police having 28.2 grams of cannabis and made a full admission during interview.

Omagh Courthouse where Dungannon Magistrates Court is held. Credit: GoogleOmagh Courthouse where Dungannon Magistrates Court is held. Credit: Google
Omagh Courthouse where Dungannon Magistrates Court is held. Credit: Google

Placing Graham on Probation, District Judge Peter Magill said he noted that he was trying actively to get off cannabis and that was to his credit.

Arising out of the same incident, Darryl Mullan (26), of Kindrum, Dungannon, was fined £1,000 with a £15 offender's levy for possessing cocaine.

The prosecutor said Mullan was an occupant in the vehicle and admitted possessing one gram of cocaine which he told police he had bought for £100.

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The lawyer said the defendant had apologised to police for the trouble he had caused.

A defence lawyer stressed he had pleaded guilty at the first opportunity and was exercising and training for a marathon as he is committed to stopping his drug and alcohol abuse.

District Judge Magill told Mullan that cocaine was “very, very bad news for people” and that he would better not taking it.

Mr Magill said he would fine him 10 times what he paid for the drug.