Members of the Pride of the Birches Accordion Band pictured before their annual parade. Included are from left, Charlotte Carberry, Kayla Magowan, Jessica Dunlop, Rachel Cathers and Chloe Beattie. PT25-206.Members of the Pride of the Birches Accordion Band pictured before their annual parade. Included are from left, Charlotte Carberry, Kayla Magowan, Jessica Dunlop, Rachel Cathers and Chloe Beattie. PT25-206.
Members of the Pride of the Birches Accordion Band pictured before their annual parade. Included are from left, Charlotte Carberry, Kayla Magowan, Jessica Dunlop, Rachel Cathers and Chloe Beattie. PT25-206.

21 sun-kissed photos from Pride of the Birches Accordion Band parade

Large crowds enjoyed the summer sunshine at the Pride of the Birches Accordion Band’s annual parade.

A total of 40 bands took part – including silver, pipe, flute and accordion outfits – and all six counties were represented with many visiting for the first time.

This was the Pride of the Birches' 78th anniversary, and the host band was pleased to have many new members on parade.

Momentum is building as the band makes final preparations to travel to Toronto, for the Ontario Twelfth celebrations, which is being held on Saturday, July 20. A total of 29 members are travelling for a week-long trip, which includes a visit to Niagara Falls.

The band is also looking forward to visiting a ranch of a former Co Armagh Orangeman and holding a concert for the residents of the town of Brooklin. They are also playing on July 19 at a concert for the Toronto Rangers Supporters Club.

The band would to thank everyone who supported them at the parade, and over the years.

Momentum is building as the band makes final preparations to travel to Toronto, for the Ontario Twelfth celebrations, which is being held on Saturday, July 20. A total of 29 members are travelling for a week-long trip, which includes a visit to Niagara Falls.

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