'New exciting' initiative aimed at building cross community relationships

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A initiative has been lauched to bring together communities in South Derry and Co Donegal.

The BALGLEN project is a new exciting cross border initiative funded by the International for Ireland (IFI) and managed by Rural Action. It aims to develop the relationship between Ballinascreen Community Forum in the Draperstown area and partner organisations in Glenties / Ardara, Co Donegal.

Partner Groups include:

Ballinascreen Community Forum (Lead Partner)

Brian McGuigan, chairperson of Ballinascreen Community Forum welcomes representatives from the partners in the Glenties area; Ardara Sheltered Housing Association, Coiste Forbartha Eadan Fhionn Fraoich, Glenties Community Development Group, and St Connell’s Museum & Heritage Centre to Ballinascreen, alongside Teresa Canavan from Rural Action, Managing agent for the IFI fund.Brian McGuigan, chairperson of Ballinascreen Community Forum welcomes representatives from the partners in the Glenties area; Ardara Sheltered Housing Association, Coiste Forbartha Eadan Fhionn Fraoich, Glenties Community Development Group, and St Connell’s Museum & Heritage Centre to Ballinascreen, alongside Teresa Canavan from Rural Action, Managing agent for the IFI fund.
Brian McGuigan, chairperson of Ballinascreen Community Forum welcomes representatives from the partners in the Glenties area; Ardara Sheltered Housing Association, Coiste Forbartha Eadan Fhionn Fraoich, Glenties Community Development Group, and St Connell’s Museum & Heritage Centre to Ballinascreen, alongside Teresa Canavan from Rural Action, Managing agent for the IFI fund.

Ardara Sheltered Housing association / GAP Community Health Forum

Coiste Forbatha Eadan Fhionn Fraoich

Glenties Community Development Group

St Connell’s Museum & Heritage Centre.

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Ballinascreen Community Forum members who are the lead partner in delivering the BALGLEN project in partnership with 4 community groups from the Glenties area, Co Donegal.Ballinascreen Community Forum members who are the lead partner in delivering the BALGLEN project in partnership with 4 community groups from the Glenties area, Co Donegal.
Ballinascreen Community Forum members who are the lead partner in delivering the BALGLEN project in partnership with 4 community groups from the Glenties area, Co Donegal.

The BALGLEN project will focus on building partnerships through an action plan that will deliver meaningful benefits for communities on both sides of the border, through collaborative events and activities. This is captured in the projects name, ‘B.A.L.G.L.E.N’, which stands for ‘Building Active Local Groups, Learning, Encouraging & Nurturing.’ The project is funded by the IFI – Communities in Partnership Programme.

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Speaking at the launch of the event, Brian McGuigan, Chairperson of Ballinascreen Community Forum said: “It’s always a privilege to have the opportunity to welcome visitors to Ballinascreen especially our partners from the Glenties area. The BALGLEN project schedule of social and recreational activities planned, are wide-ranging and there is something to suit all interests and all age groups from gardening, cookery to music. Cultural workshops and study visits will focus on opening dialogue about shared history and traditions as well as providing learning opportunities for all involved. Social and recreational activities will build on the cross-community, cross-border dimension.

Through this opportunity we are able to reach out to the wider community and build relationships on a cross-border basis, break down barriers that have arisen and provide social opportunities to those most in need in rural communities. On behalf of everyone involved in this project, I would like to thank the IFI for their support, without which this project would not have been possible”.

IFI Chair Paddy Harte added; “We are pleased to support the launch of the BALGLEN project through our CiPP Programme. It is currently supporting a wide range of projects and over the last year it has formed 85 new cross-borderpartnerships with over 967 people engaging in events.”