Three little birds rescued in Northern Ireland TV drama

The three little birds found in BallymenaThe three little birds found in Ballymena
The three little birds found in Ballymena
Three newborn chicks in Co Antrim have become famous after they made it onto the television.

In the case of the birds, their feat was a literal one, after being found in an old television set by the waste management team in Ballymena

The Waveney Road Household Recycling Centre team and assistant waste supervisor Trevor McIlhagga were reported to have been feeling rather chirpy today after helping to rescue the chicks from the item which had been brought onto the site.

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Asked if they were Bob Marley’s ‘Three Little Birds’, the recycling team said they had no idea who brought the TV set in.

The TV set that the birds were found insideThe TV set that the birds were found inside
The TV set that the birds were found inside

Thanks to the quick actions of the council officers, there was a happy ending to this TV drama for the feathered friends when they were safely transported from the Ballymena waste facility to the Debbie Doolittle Animal Sanctuary in Dundrod.

The trio of chicks are now nesting comfortably in the hands of an expert in their new nursery.

Mayor of Ballymena Peter Johnston congratulated all those involved in the rescue operation

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He said: “Well done to the caring Waveney Road Waste team and our Ballymena assistant waste supervisor, who were unflappable in their efforts to ensure the safety of the three newborn chicks.

“Our hard working staff have shown great commitment in spite of the many challenges of the last twelve months, and I would like to commend them for their actions on this occasion.”

Under the Wildlife and Natural Environment (NI) Act 2011 nesting birds are protected and it is an offence under this legislation to disturb nesting birds, their chicks, nests or eggs at this or any time of the year.

The RSPB reminded people to leave chicks alone, unless they are injured, as their parents are unlikely to be far away.

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The organisation said: “It can be common to find a chick on the ground. An uninjured chick must be left where it is in the care of its own parents.

“However tempting, interfering with a young bird like this will do more harm than good. Fledglings are extremely unlikely to be abandoned by their parents.

“Just because you cannot see the adult birds does not mean that they are not there.

“The parents are probably just away collecting food – or are hidden from view nearby keeping a watchful eye, or even being frightened away from their youngster by your presence.

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