Police come under attack in Kilwilke

PETROL bombs, bricks and bottles were thrown at police in on Monday as they investigated a security alert in Lake Street.

A device, which was later declared to be a hoax, was found near the railway lines close to the grounds of Soye’s Mill.

The rioters have been slammed by police and politicians.

Area Commander for Craigavon, Chief Inspector Anthony McNally, said he believed the hoax was used to lure police into the area.

“Attacks on police are unacceptable,” he said.

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“Officers in Lurgan were out there making sure that the community was kept safe while a suspicious object was examined.

“They continued to protect the community even when petrol bombs and suspect devices were thrown at them with the clear intention of causing them harm or injury.

“The community have told us that they want a visible and approachable police service and this is what we are delivering and what we will continue to deliver,” he added.

SDLP MLA Dolores Kelly hit out at those responsible.

“This is yet another incident that portrays Lurgan in a bad light and one which all the decent and hard-working people of the area are fed up experiencing.

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“This is an area that has both business units and houses nearby and the blatant disregard not only for police serving the community but also member of the public that could so easily be caught up in the disgraceful narrow-minded thuggery of people with narrow political agendas.”

DUP MLA Stephen Moutray said: “This is another cowardly but dangerous attack by mindless thugs who have no place in our community.

“These individuals have absolutely nothing to offer society and I would encourage anyone with any information to come forward to the PSNI and report it.”

“This type of behaviour is happening all too often within our society and it is clear the individuals participating in it have no support.”

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The Alliance Party’s Harry Hamilton described the rioting as “disgraceful”.

“People in the area are disgusted with those who seek to cause chaos through actions like this,” he said.

“These people must live in some parallel universe where there are no consequences to their actions. “At a time when we need to grow our economy and attract investment, this is the type of news that must be avoided.”

At Monday’s council meeting Sinn Fein’s Johnny McGibbon said: “The people who are doing this don’t represent the republican people of Craigavon.

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“North Lurgan is a good community with a strong community spirit and resolve and these people don’t represent them.”