Mid Ulster council urged to consider dual-purpose GAA / soccer pitch idea

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Turning little-used soccer pitches at Drumcoo Playing Fields, Dungannon, into dual-purpose facilities designed to accommodate both GAA sports and soccer, is being considered by Mid Ulster District Council in order to improve pitch provision for GAA clubs in the town

The matter was brought up at a recent Development Committee meeting of Mid Ulster District Council by Councillor Barry Monteith.

The Independent representative for Dungannon DEA commented: “I had raised the ongoing issue in Dungannon town regarding the lack of GAA pitches.

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“There are four clubs operating on three GAA pitches. There’s a significant downturn in the usage of two of the soccer pitches at Drumcoo, especially since the 4G was put in. A lot of the soccer teams want to play on the 4G now and they stagger the usage of it.

Drumcoo Playing Fields in Dungannon. Credit: GoogleDrumcoo Playing Fields in Dungannon. Credit: Google
Drumcoo Playing Fields in Dungannon. Credit: Google

“So I had proposed that we move forward with looking at the feasibility of making the back two pitches into [facilities] that can be used for GAA purposes as well as soccer.

“And while we’re on the subject of Drumcoo, again it’s an issue that has done the rounds a wee bit, can I propose that we have a DEA meeting again?

“We had an initial talk about proposals for Drumcoo, expansion of Drumcoo, developing the land that we currently own in Drumcoo which we haven’t developed, working with Sperrinview [Special School] and Oakridge [SociaL Education Centre] about creating an urban park.

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“Those ideas were initially explored and haven’t really gone anywhere, so I propose that we have a DEA meeting to start to tie some of that stuff together, because if we don’t start pulling it together now, it’ll never get done.”

Councillor Barry Monteith. Picture: : Mid Ulster District CouncilCouncillor Barry Monteith. Picture: : Mid Ulster District Council
Councillor Barry Monteith. Picture: : Mid Ulster District Council

Assistant director for Health, Leisure & Wellbeing, Kieran Gordon, explained that the matter was being looked into.

“In terms of Drumcoo, one of the strategic recommendations within the pitches strategy permits us to continue to keep an ongoing eye and review on all of our pitches, all of our assets, how they’re being used and where emerging demand is coming in as well.

“We have a number of grass pitches in Drumcoo, some well used, some not so well used, and there is emerging need in that area, so officers are looking at the work involved to convert one of those pitches for additional sporting use, in terms of the line marking and also the provision of the equipment as well.

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“We have a a ring-fenced pot of money within the approved pitches strategy, so hopefully we’ll bring that to fruition over the summer months,” said the officer.

Strategic director of Communities and Place, Ryan Black, explained that Drumcoo is encompassed within a wider masterplan programme, and that any issues that need addressed in relation to Drumcoo need to be incorporated within that wider plan.

He commented: “In relation to the DEA request around the Drumcoo masterplan, as members will know we have a very ambitious capital programme.

“We’ve talked already about Gortgonis, Coalisland Canal, and there are many others that members will be aware of.

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“We need to look at how we assign resources in relation to delivering against that ambition, and as a result there’s going to be a review of the capital programme over the coming months, so additional requests that are coming to the table that are not already captured within the capital plan need to be washed through that process, to ensure that we’ve got the resources to be able to fulfill those ambitions.

“So if Drumcoo, which is not currently on the capital programme, is something that we want to take forward, then that’s the process in terms of of raising that and having that included as part of the plan, so that resources can be assigned appropriately.”

Committee chair, Councillor Kyle Black (DUP, Carntogher DEA) was anxious to find out if any further steps were required prior to delivering on enhanced pitch provision.

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“With regards the comments that were raised around two particular pitches, and about additional sporting uses and so on, is that something that needs to come back to committee for approval, or is that something that’s already been approved within the pitches strategy and there would be no need for it to come before committee?” he asked.

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The assistant director for Health, Leisure & Wellbeing replied: “It’s one of the recommendations that we already have considered and approved through the pitches strategy, but what we will always aim to do before we do anything, is to give it due consideration.

“So we will be looking at the booking analysis in the last period of time, we’ll be engaging with local groups that use those facilities, and any of the emerging needs as well.

“But in short, because it’s approved through the pitches strategy there’s a mechanism in there that gives officers the [ability] to review these matters and keep them under review. Of course we have to engage with a lot of local groups there, to make sure it’s the right thing to do as well.”

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