Mid Ulster: new Sinn Fein Chair of Council pledges to ‘work for everyone’

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Sinn Fein Councillor Eugene McConnell (Clogher Valley DEA) was appointed the new Chair of Mid Ulster District Council Chair on Monday (June 3).

Assisting him as Vice-Chair is Cllr Wesley Brown (DUP, Magherafelt DEA) with the appointments based on a formula that sees chairmanships and vice-chairmanships allocated for a year on a rota basis.

Nominating the new Council Chair was SF Cookstown representative, Cllr Cathal Mallaghan, who said: “This gentleman has only been here for a year, but that doesn’t say anything about the experience he has, having been a civil servant for three decades.

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“He has been in the boardroom for many years as well, having spent many years on the Tyrone (GAA) County Board, so I have every confidence and take great pleasure in nominating Eugene McConnell for Chair of Council.”

New Mid Ulster District Council Chairman, Cllr Eugene McConnell (left) and new Council Vice-Chair, Cllr Wesley Brown. Credit: Mid Ulster District CouncilNew Mid Ulster District Council Chairman, Cllr Eugene McConnell (left) and new Council Vice-Chair, Cllr Wesley Brown. Credit: Mid Ulster District Council
New Mid Ulster District Council Chairman, Cllr Eugene McConnell (left) and new Council Vice-Chair, Cllr Wesley Brown. Credit: Mid Ulster District Council

Addressing the chamber in Irish, having been formally presented with the ceremonial chain of office by Cllr Dominic Molloy, who is the outgoing Council Chairman, Councillor McConnell said: “ First of all, go raibh míle maith agaibh agus tá fáilte romhaibh anseo tráthnóna inniu (thank you very much and you are all welcome here this afternoon).

“I first of all wish to sincerely thank my party colleagues for entrusting with me the nomination to the position of Cathaoirleach (Chairman) in the year ahead.

“It’s a massive honour and it’s a moment of pride for both myself and my family that I have been given the opportunity to step into this role.

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Clogher Valley

New Mid Ulster District Council Chairman, Cllr Eugene McConnell. Credit: Mid Ulster District CouncilNew Mid Ulster District Council Chairman, Cllr Eugene McConnell. Credit: Mid Ulster District Council
New Mid Ulster District Council Chairman, Cllr Eugene McConnell. Credit: Mid Ulster District Council

“I feel that this nomination is also to be shared by the good people of Clogher Valley who entrusted their faith in electing me as their councillor, back in May of last year.

“I think it’s only right, on a night like tonight, that I acknowledge the sterling work of the outgoing chair and my party colleague Dominic Molloy. Dominic has been a good friend to me for quite a number of years, and this is going to be a tough act to follow.

“And also to [outgoing Vice-Chairperson] Meta Graham who I’ve got to know over the past year as a very endearing and genuine person. I’ve sat on a number of sub-committees with her and she is a very warm and very engaging person.”

Noting the outgoing chair and vice-chair had worked well together as a nationalist and a unionist, the new Council Chairman added: “It’s clear that both of them had a very good solid working relationship, and that’s to be admired.

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New Mid Ulster District Council Vice-Chair, Cllr Wesley Brown. Credit: Mid Ulster District CouncilNew Mid Ulster District Council Vice-Chair, Cllr Wesley Brown. Credit: Mid Ulster District Council
New Mid Ulster District Council Vice-Chair, Cllr Wesley Brown. Credit: Mid Ulster District Council

“I think it’s testimony to the strength of this council chamber and the people that are in this chamber. It’s all about people working together in the best interests of all the people that we represent.

“I now fully appreciate the tireless work which councillors do day in and day out for their communities. I’m very lucky to have on my side a very dedicated and committed group of party colleagues who work alongside me in the interest of all our constituents within Mid Ulster.

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“Change is sweeping across the entire island of Ireland, and as your first citizen of Mid Ulster I look forward to playing my part in building a shared and better society for us all.

“I am committed to working for everyone, to be a Chair for everyone, and with the absolute determination to deliver positive change where I can throughout my term of office.

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“We must continue to strive to do our best for all our residents, particularly our community and our voluntary sector, and those who have been greatly affected by the Tory cuts and the continued attacks on our funding.

“In the coming year it is my intention to speak with as many of the people within our communities as is possible. Our local employers and our employees, our businesses and our entrepreneurs, our community and voluntary sector, and in particular our sporting groups and our clubs.

“As a council we must use our voice and our strength to fight for those who seek our support. A collective voice from all of us is required if we are to force the change necessary.

“I want to thank all my colleagues for supporting me, and I finally wish to afford my greatest thanks to my very supportive and understanding wife Kate.”

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New Council Vice-Chairperson, Cllr Wesley Brown said: “As people will know I’m a man of few words, so I’ll try and keep this reasonably short. I want to thank my fellow councillors for putting their trust in me for the year ahead.

“To my group lead Paul [McLean], I want to thank you for all the advice and wisdom that you’ve given me over the years. Indeed when I entered politics some 31 years ago, it was this man, Paul, that talked me into standing and allowed my name to go forward.

“Although I was unsuccessful, he always came back and kept saying: ‘There’s always another time’. And that was to be in 2019 when I got elected for the Magherafelt DEA along with Paul.

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“I want to give thanks to my family for their support. As the saying goes, behind every good man there’s a better woman, and so to my wife Lisa I want to thank her for her unending support. She’s always there to give advice and she’s always there to keep me right, so I just want to put on record my sincere thanks.

“And finally, I want to give thanks to Almighty God. My faith is important to me, and as we go forward for the year ahead I would like to leave everything in his hands.”

François Vincent, Local Democracy Reporter